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Whole Earth Catalog
스티브 잡스와 손정의 본문
Only about a week ago, I visited Apple when there was announced of iPhone4S. When I was having a meeting with Tim Cook, who is a new CEO of apple, and Time Cook said
"Oh, Masa, sorry I have to quit our meeting"
"Why, where are you going?"
"Well, my boss is calling me"
So, that was the day of announcement of iPhone4S, and Tim cook said, "Steve is calling me, because he wants to talk about the next product" and the next day, he died, as you know.
So, even one day before he was passing away, the first subject he wanted to call, on the day of the newest announcement, so he was calling Tim Cook, "Come quickly to my home, because I wanna discuss". That's the kind of spirit true entrepreneur has until they die. And it's so, I feel that he was very sick, very ill, but the announcement of their newest product maybe made him live longer. Physically he could have died much earlier. Maybe his passion, his love about his own company and dream of next product, that made him energized and stay live.
So I think it's very important that you have your spirits in your mind until the end of your life.
'[2] scrap' 카테고리의 다른 글
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